Sunday, October 26, 2008

Codigo De Licen�a De Pcdj Red

Generation Generation Generation 1.1 1.2

Damn the postman o!

After spending a wonderful first day at work, come home with a promotion already in his pocket, and it seems that things can not get better.
I also have some money to put a floor on my house, so being forced to walk on the grass. And then, let's face it, finding ants in the bed is not the best of life.

'm exhausted, but I can not help but find the strength to jump for joy, and so that there are, I'm going to jump rope to do some 'exercise that never hurts. And then, at this rate, tomorrow I go to climb mountains!

into the house and make myself a cup of cereal, because I have little or nothing in the house given my limited finances, but I am satisfied with the same thinking about how my day will be tomorrow, who will know.
After doing the crossword in the newspaper not to go to bed now, I decide it's time to go to sleep, I close the door, and I lie down, exhausted and hopeful.

But late in the evening sent, about eleven and a half, I am awakened by the incessant ringing of the phone.
stop praying that I stay in bed, that those who are calling to give you won, but nothing, just drop the line, draws, and draws over again, until I decided that before I answer and before I return to sleep in holy peace.
I get up with a slow worthy of a sloth and spantofolando, I approached the phone and get up the damn phone, starting with a 'yes' rather sleepy.
And who could be expensive if not the postman, that from eleven and a half has kept me on the phone until after midnight.

And now that I'm awake, I can not do anything but look after the head by something, because now I can not sleep, damn mailman! Trusted now I sit on my chair and read the newspaper , reading even the smallest items, all horoscopes and so on, and then resume doing crossword puzzles, all next to my new furnace and the first existing shelf in my house.
Now that I'm proud!

I expect a tough day tomorrow, given the few hours I slept, and the sun is already starting to rise, and it is better if I'm going to take a shower, just to remind me that I'm alive and unfortunately I have to work today.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Iphone Stream Southpark

"Perhaps it's me or let him live forever with a chair and a mini fridge."

not introduce myself, Indeed, I state that I'm only Agnese Comma, wait, not Agnes and then sign the comma, comma is really my last name .. and do not laugh now!
few days ago I was at the train station in my small town, with little money and so many hopes, and at first glance I chose my destination, an average citizen too populated, but we would come to know well after.
fact is that by one of those sad offices of real estate sales and I dream homes, but which are obviously out of my reach, and then ask if there is something for my pitiful finances.
The boy looks at me pity laughs and shows me an expanse of grass, saying it would be the only thing on the market for me, but I agree.
I lived in the country working with my father on the farm, what do we want to bring up a house?

And this is the show that I face. And bleaching.
It is really not that working years on a farm helps you learn how to build a house.
I call my brother and I said ".. one of the bricks above the other, the concrete .." Stop, stop, but hey .. I is not no Yes I do .. Click.
Well, at least I know the bricks and mortar, as if it were helpful, as if she did not know.
I decide to go to a professional, cheap and cheer me up a house very much, but very small with two rooms, one with a bath and the other with a kitchen and bedroom. Better than nothing.
With very little money left I can buy a shower, a toilet, a fridge, an armchair and a bed.
said it does not look so bare, but believe me, it's all right.
There is not even the paint on the walls, and it makes me very sad, but it will do. Everything will be done.
I do not have time to get that bell rings and the postman is a neighborhood that welcomed me and handed me the paper. I stopped to chat a few minutes and then takes his leave to return to his work.
I take the newspaper and into the house, a little 'down but full of dreams and hopes, and I sit on my one and already worn-out chair, leafing through the newspaper.

Not that I do not like reading the newspaper, but lately the news is little, or at least interesting ones.
Jump Sport, Post of the heart, Horoscopes, and arriving at the Business section of ads, maybe it's because that gives me to do, or live forever with a chair and a mini fridge!
And suddenly here it is: the best job interesting in the paper today, although not really my ambition, but I thirst for adventure in this new city.

do I call for an interview and I immediately accepted to work by day, without even an interview, without even asking who I am, and I remain truly amazed.
course late, I take a shower and lightning I go to work on foot, hoping for the best.