Friday, March 5, 2010

Bowel Cancer And Liver Mets


danes sem svoj prvi dobila paket:) for months and months of waiting for a postcard and a note, quite rightly said in vain. be good to have mother and librarian, who think of me as a midwife who goes to sea, and writes me from Portoroz and the sky fair, I also got one love chit. but today I got my first pack. and not those of yellow-lined envelopes, right veritable box, bound with tape and thousands of nodes. In short, I felt like a hero in black and white film. and inside, oh, very domestic things. I felt like an archaeologist who first discovered the treasure tutankamnov as Amelia, who finds a box of the tile in the bathroom. Anyone who lives so many months without orange tea can not appreciate the good things that you can buy in merkatorju. and in my package are also hiding all the pearls in our domestic policy: fruit teas (eight boxes and this of very different flavors), cokolatini Bajadera and ice cubes, Gorizia coffee, and of course home Cedevita spec and very obese piglets with marmeladnim trebusckom. It may be terminated Carniola sausage and burek, if I have to turn a good piece of pizza, some things which I can not miss in your menu:)


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