Protest vkontakte
In theory, it seems that social networks (cozy vkontaktik, classmates, FB etc.) Offer a unique chance to reach tens of thousands of people and something they vparit. Now write a lot about what we have the information blockade, which must be somehow break through, and to reach out to young people, you can use social services. network. That is, we take video of the Central Television of the events in Minsk, pour his friends to celebrate, gently ask to see your friends to show and spread further. Given the scope of audience, we expect to arouse shkolotu, students call a protest, get zhestachayshy surge of national consciousness and a revolution within a week. But ...
In practice, this do not fucking occurs. Your movie no one is watching and not circulate. People fast new year pictures are recorded on corporate buhachah plus tweets like "What less than a woman you love, the more she has other men. "Viral videos are distributed only with cats and tits. Epic Fail.
Why? Yes because people comes to social networks is not a policy. I must say that I'm not a marketer, and has nothing to do with PR. It is simply a no brainer. Dozens of Russian companies for the year have taken participated in Experiment Russian scale (Kommersant) to advance to the social. networks that have suffered the same Feil. The results showed that users in soc. networks simply resting or stupidly filonyat from work. Watering gardens and have fun. Advertising, corporate news, some analysts, and the more policy interest them there is less of everything. Promoting such makarom possible, but it is a very complicated way and it is not always justified.
I've seen a couple of vkontakte Común on 19/12 and consequences. Come in, look - a dismal picture. It is unlikely that they will be of interest to someone after NG.
From all that was offered, I think the most adequate distribution of leaflets. But without fanaticism. Well, oddly enough, works. Here Lyavon Volsky wrote a wonderful poem him for that thank you very much ( Brother i sisters, mothers, results ... Would neykі sleep - Kalyada ¢ multiple ). If you do not like it - ramshackle lukanomiku and blow oil pipelines.
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